Compared with any Social Media platform, Twitter has lots of restrictions. We can’t share anything on Twitter. We have to follow their rules. That restrictions make TWitter more reliable, and that’s why most celebrities and brands, including Google, use it to announce their new details. Based on user wishes and feedback, Twitter often improves itself. Recently, Twitter tested a new feature that allows Four Different Media Files in a Single Tweet. Instead of using One Media file per Tweet, You can mix up, Videos, GIFs, and Images. Twitter is testing this feature on limited people. Soon We can expect a wide rollout.
Twitter Previous Restrictions
Twitter has a limit on the media you can embed within a Tweet. It limits your options to a still picture, a video, or a GIF. In these two instances, you can only include only one video or animation in the Tweet; however, you can have as many as four images within one, but you aren’t able to switch between categories. The company is trying to improve this to ensure it can utilize multiple media in one Tweet. The company has announced that it has begun testing the feature, which could soon be available to specific customers.
A New feature of the Four Media Files in One Tweet feature
According to the information, the test is currently only limited. Still, users can extend the limit of four images to encompass other kinds of animated media in a mix and match format. For example, tweets could contain three photos, a short video, a GIF, a picture, four GIFS, and others.
A Statement of Officiality from Twitter
“We’re testing a new feature for selected accounts for a short period. It will allow users to combine up to 4 media sources into one tweet, regardless of the format. There are more visually rich discussions through Twitter, and pictures, GIFS, and videos are used to enhance these conversations. We’re hoping to find out how people mix these media formats to be more creative on Twitter beyond the limit of 280 characters,” the company said in an announcement.
Twitter Blue users could be getting the update very soon
Twitter Blue subscribers sometimes get to try out features before others as per the benefits offered by the subscription, which means users who pay for the service might be the very first to access it. As a result, the price increased from $2.99 to $4.99.
Wrap Up
Allowing Additional Media files is a must need. Most people always express themself using Media files instead of Text. People slowly move towards alternate platforms when a social platform doesn’t allow user needs. Most youngsters began to move to TikTok and Instagram Reels. Only officials stick with Twitter. So, To Attract all kinds of people, Twitter now allows Multiple Media files in the same tweet. What are your thoughts about this new feature enabling Videos, GIFs, and Images in the same Tweet? Share your thoughts below.

Selva Ganesh is the Chief Editor of this Blog. He is a Computer Science Engineer, An experienced Android Developer, Professional Blogger with 8+ years in the field. He completed courses about Google News Initiative. He runs Android Infotech which offers Problem Solving Articles around the globe.
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