Compare with other mobiles, Xiaomi devices always get faster developer-related improvements like Root and Custom ROMs. It is because of the huge user base and Xioami Open Source support. People always prefer custom ROMs in Xiaomi devices compare with MIUI custom skin OS. After successful sales of Poco F1, Xiaomi begins to release affordable flagship-level […]
Download Xiaomi Poco X3 NFC MIUI 12 Android 10 ROM
Xiaomi cost-effective phone tactics, including cutting down small elements. Yes, To fit in with around price value, they have to compromise a few things, including NFC. That’s why when they include those elements; They highlight those features. Xiaomi Poco X3 NFC comes with an NFC feature along with mid-range hardware specs. Xiaomi Poco X3 NFC […]
Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 7/Pro Android 10 using TWRP and Install OrangeFox Recovery
The hardware and software limit with the official version in Android is limited. To play safe, all mobile manufacturers limit the hardware power with their custom OS. But when you root your mobile, You can experience the true potential of your mobile. Most of the Xiaomi mobile users always prefer root to remove bloatware […]
Download Xiaomi Mi 9/Pro 5G MIUI 12 Android 10 ROM
Even if Xiaomi releases many mobiles under different series, They always maintain some series under the Flagship category. Xiaomi Mi series is one of them. The hardware and software treatment for these mobiles always special compare with other series. In this list, Xiaomi Mi 9 got an Android 10 based MIUI 12 update. When you […]
Root Xiaomi Mi A3 Android 10 using TWRP and Install OrangeFox Recovery
When mobile manufacturers provide high resources hardware-wise, Most people believe there may be no root in the future. But on the other hand, root apps are becoming popular. Also, the restrictions of the mobiles in the name of security misses more user lovable features. So, Some people prefer root access in their regular mobiles. If […]
Download Xiaomi Redmi Note 8T MIUI 12 Android 10 ROM
Usually, when a mobile manufacturer releases a successor version of their custom skin OS, it will be the next Android version. But MIUI 12 is not Android 11. Instead, it is based on the Android 10 version with notable feature tweaks. Xiaomi Redmi Note 8T got an Android 10 based MIUI 12 update. You can […]
Download Xiaomi Mi 10/Pro MIUI 12 Android 10 ROM
Even if Xiaomi has a wide range of variety mobiles in all categories, they always keep the flagship lineups under the same series name. Xiaomi Mi 10 is one of those mobiles under the series. It has a flagship-level processor. Xiaomi Mi 10 comes with Android 10 based MIUI 12 ROM. As it already comes […]