Download and Magisk Manager App All Versions (V28.0)– For seasoned Android enthusiasts, Magisk is a trusted tool known for its systemless rooting approach. Developed by Topjohnwu, Magisk allows users to root Android devices without altering core system files. This method not only simplifies the rooting process but also maintains system integrity. The app includes […]
Why Mobile Manufacturers Are Not Doing Regular Monthly Security Patches?
What do you do? If I tell, you are the reason for Mobile Manufacturers Are Not Doing Regular Monthly Security Patches. Yep, Read the below complete article and try to understand, Why you are the reason. Security updates of the operating system should be available for any mobile or tablet device ideally. But this is not […]
How to Manually Install Firmware in Samsung Galaxy Devices?
So, you have searched and searched just to read up a content that will show you how to flash firmware update on your Samsung Galaxy? Here is precisely what you’re searching for; an intuitive, comprehensive, simplified article that deals with the steps/process involved in flashing an updated firmware to any Samsung Galaxy. You know, most […]
Unlock Bootloader in Android Devices
Do you know it? You can easily unlock the bootloader of your Android device to install custom ROMs or replace its default existing software. But, Generally, it is not recommended to unlock your device boot loader. Even so, this is an action or procedure that should be done by only advanced users because it can […]
Remap Bixby Key in Samsung Galaxy Devices Without Root
“Don’t hurt me”- Bixby key. What is your purpose, I need More…:)For anyone who is making use of any phone that ranges from the Samsung Galaxy S8 and above, you will be surprised when you get to lay your hand on an extra button which is located directly below the volume rocker. Mind you, this button […]
Samsung Bixby is better than Google Assistant in Galaxy Mobiles
Before the beginning, What????? Yes. So many people have said many harsh words concerning the Bixby virtual assistant from Samsung. The assistant is from Samsung; it is available on Samsung smart devices. While Bixby is not yet as advanced as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, there are some features you would find on Bixby that […]
Download no-verity-opt-encrypt All Versions
We may always face encryption issues when using custom recoveries on our mobile. This is where no-verity-opt-encrypt helps us out. It deals with most corruption issues that restrict our access to the internal storage of mobile devices. Being very confused about no-verity-opt-encrypt is normal. It is a very technical name that most people cannot understand. […]