Samsung Galaxy J1 Mini Prime comes with only 1 GB RAM. Also, It comes with a Quad-Core 1.2 GHz processor. You can’t use it even for a basic process like Calling, It will hang and lag If you suddenly receive a call, You can’t swipe call to Answer. If you rooted your device you can […]
Root Samsung Galaxy J2 Pro 2018 SM-J250F/G/M Nougat 7.1.1 using TWRP
Samsung Galaxy J2 Pro 2018 aka Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Pro released with just 2 GB RAM and Low-end processor, It still receives Security patch updates, but there is no sign for Major updates in this device. The OS is not well optimized; you know the lag. If you used this device for a long […]
Download Samsung Galaxy A7 2016 SM-A710F/K/M/S Nougat 7.0 Firmware
As we discussed in some previous posts, Samsung Always treats A series differently. It is like a pet to Samsung. They always try new ideas and support a lot of updates like Flagship. It is like Budget flagship. As in this category this Samsung Galaxy A7 2016 model received Two Major updates Marshmallow and Nougat. […]
Download Samsung Galaxy A5 2016 SM-A510F/K/M/Y Nougat 7.0 Firmware
Samsung Galaxy A5 2016 comes with Lollipop version as a Default when released. Now you can update to Nougat using Official Auto OTA method. But, if you rooted your device or You didn’t receive this update, because of country restrictions, you can Manually update Nougat firmware using ODIN method. If you brick your device accidentally, […]
Root Samsung Galaxy A7 2016 SM-A710F/K/M/S Nougat 7.0 using TWRP
Compare with Old variants, Samsung Enhanced the Samsung Galaxy A7 2016 Model with Extra 1 GB RAM. So, A5 2016 comes with 2 GB RAM, and A7 2016 comes with 3 GB RAM. It is excellent Because some devices still come with 3 GB RAM. So, if you use for normal usage, it is more […]
Root Samsung Galaxy A5 2016 SM-A510F/K/M/Y Nougat 7.0 using TWRP
As you already know with 2 GB RAM, we can’t survive with this mobile now. Did you think the less RAM is a Problem? No. Consider Android Go devices; they come with 1 GB RAM, But with well optimized OS. So, You can now understand the Software and the OS; Apps are Problem. Specially Bloatware. […]
What Gestures are Available in Android Pie 9.0 Version? (Pixel, Samsung, OnePlus, Moto)
Android Pie 9.0 version comes with Special feature Called “Gesture.” If you already used are using iPhone, you know this. If you have upgraded to use Android Pie 9.0 on your OnePlus, Samsung, or other Android smartphones, you need to activate gestures and start making use of them to operate your device quickly. Android Pie […]