Windows struggles a lot to migrate users from Windows 7. Since, p[people don’t like Windows 8 and 8.1 versions, Samsung can’t migrate users as they expected. Due to the simplicity and performance, most people stick with Windows 7. Instead of pushing all users to the unwanted OS, Microsoft tried their best efforts with Windows 10, […]
Microsoft Patents For Tri-Fold Surface Phone
Most of the tech companies’ business is enterprise-related. Even though they can get revenue using Ads, The method is not suitable. That’s why windows know we are using pirate copies in our Home. But they still allow it. When people begin to use Linux, They will compel companies to put the same OS in their […]
Five Ways to Download Offline Maps for Windows 10/11
Using Mobile Maps is always handy for navigation. But, If you want to plan a trip?. The Mobile version will not give that much outline or idea to plan the trip. In those situations, you may need a large screen and additional controls, features, and layers. Also, The Trip Plan is not always finished within […]
Xbox Mini-Fridge is coming for $99 on October 19, 2021
What if our imagination comes true?. Most of the time, users always suggest something; if it happens, it will be great. But, COmpanies share the details in their social profiles and move on. But When Xbox released their new X series consoles, People began to make memes that would be great to release a fridge […]
You can sideload Android APK files in Windows 11 outside of the Amazon App Store
There are plenty of new features available in Windows 11. But all of them attract with one feature. From Windows 11, You can install and use Android Apps without any emulator or alternative solutions. Yes, You can use it like Windows Apps. But in the initial build, there is no rollout direct installation. But after […]
Background Blur now available in Skype Android App
Most of the people prefer Work from Home due to current situations. The main platform they are using is Video conference solutions. Zoom becomes popular when it meets the user wanted features available. After Zoom’s success, most of the tech companies begin to provide better features. The Background Blur is a must need a feature, […]
Microsoft Latte Project will bring Android apps to Windows
After facing some unexpected events in their products list, Microsoft realized Android is a huge base, and they should utilize it, Instead of trying to compete against it. That’s why they released your phone app, Which acts as a media PC Suite or complete mirror based on mobile compatibility. Now Microsoft Latte Project will bring […]