In June 2020, Snapchat announced it is going to launch mini in-apps that don’t require separate installation, and you can access those apps within Snapchat. Most of the apps will focus on group discussion or group activities like selecting entertainment malls, theatres like that. Also, group activities like small games and meditation. As promised, Snapchat already released some apps. Now Snapchat released Mini in-app Headspace Meditation with six events. The apps may not give you full features like a standalone app. But they are enough to do what you required using Snapchat groups. Also, You can access those apps within Snapchat; thus, it won’t affect your mobile storage.
Snapchat, a platform of 229 million daily users, rolled out a bunch of six Mini-apps in collaboration with Headspace. It is the result of an announcement that Snapchat made earlier in June 2020 in the snap partner summit 2020.
Snapchat Minis in-Apps Collaborations
In the snap partner summit 2020, Snapchat announced to roll out new updates and features. These features include the bite-sized third-party app that runs inside the Snapchat is minis. Snap told about its seven Mini collaborators in June summit, which included Flashcards, Prediction Master, Let’s do it, Headspace, Coachella, Atom’s movie ticketing, and Saturn. Three of these seven were already alive on snap, and now Headspace launched its minis. The apps are like PWA websites which give better app features but doesn’t occupy much space.
What are Minis?
These are small-sized utilities embedded in Snapchat. HTML5, web-based build Minis. So, it can work on most of the cross-platform, Android, or iOS. All snap chatters can use these without installing them on their device. You can use minis to express your experience with your friends and family. Planning a movie, making decisions, or caring health, you can share all these using the Mini. These Minis run within Snapchat, so 229 million Snapchat daily users can use these to express their feelings.
Deal of the Day
What is Headspace?
The world is moving towards meditation and mind sciences. Today science has made the meditation a science too. Headspace is one of the health caring companies which deal with a meditation using modern techniques. It is a standalone app, and they have specific subscription packages. But in Snapchat, Headspace developed these minis to access simple techniques. People always challenges of stress, anxiety, depression, and fear of failure in their daily life. Keeping in view this data, Headspace developed the Minis using ancient meditation techniques to blend with modern technology. Headspace launched six Minis, including “just Breath,” “Get Out Of funk,” “kick the panic,” “be nice to you,” “pressure to succeed,” and “me time.”
What activities revealed in Snapchat Minis released by Headspace?
The six Minis released on 20th July 2020 by Headspace is health-related. You can use these Minis to get out of depression, to handle your anger, to better your sleep experience, and improve your personality for wellness. These are 3 to 4 minutes long videos to tune your mind for betterment. These Minis include
- “Just Breath.” It helps you to breathe correctly and how you can use your breathing to control your mind.
- “Get Out Of funk.” It helps you to come out of anxiety in 3 to 4 minutes.
- “kick the panic.” It helps you to handle a difficult situation with ease and relaxation.
- “be nice to you.” It guides you on how to treat yourself for wellness and abundance in your life.
- “pressure to succeed.” It tells you how you can use social pressure to enhance your abilities.
- “me time.” Last but not least guides you to improve your personality for confidence.
How to access Headspace mini activities in Snapchat?
You can access these helping mind Minis from the “Here for You” section on the main screen. Or you can use a search bar to find these helpful Minis. You can use these Minis to meditate with your friends by clicking the rocket icon in chat. Built-in voice and chat features help you to conversate with your friends while using these Minis. You can use the stickers to express your feelings during meditation on your status screen.
Wrap up
Snapchat always comes with different ideas to make users stay in their platform even if it is a small activity like Snapchat streaks. The streaks may look like a short activity, but it shows how much you stay connected with your friend. The more Streaks you have, the more you visit connected with your circle. It is a part of the engagement to keep in the app. The same goes for Mini-apps.
By collaborating with different platforms, Snapchat makes users spend more time on their platform, and it is right for them. For users, they don’t have to install separate third-party apps. Also, while using apps, they can interact with their friends and ask doubts or share thoughts. It is a great feature. The Mini-app concept is new in the USA and UK, but this model is quite popular in Asian markets. Tencent’s famous WeChat has over a million Mini-apps for users to perform various tasks. What do you think about Snapchat’s new Minis? Do tell us in the comments below.
Selva Ganesh is the Chief Editor of this Blog. He is a Computer Science Engineer, An experienced Android Developer, Professional Blogger with 8+ years in the field. He completed courses about Google News Initiative. He runs Android Infotech which offers Problem Solving Articles around the globe.
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