Usually, Xiaomi releases Snapdragon processor phones at a reasonable price. Even if Mid-Range phones come in the budget, because Xiaomi is a significant client for Qualcomm, So they have some discounts. Xiaomi uses that discount to cut the price for phones. But, Xiaomi Mi Play comes with MediaTek Processor, and the amount is further reduced, […]
Android 13/ Android 12 / Samsung/ Xiaomi/ Motorola/ Sony/ LG/ / Nokia/ Lenovo/ Google/ Huawei/ HTC/ Asus
Root Xiaomi Redmi K20 Pro Pie 9.0 using TWRP and Install Magisk
Xiaomi launched a new “K” series phone with flagship-level specs. In this list, K20 Pro comes with Snapdragon 855 processor, 6/8 GB RAM, and Pie 9.0 version. As you know, some users hate Xiaomi MIUI customized OS. We always try to root and flash Custom ROMs like Lineage and Pixel Experience ROM. So, to flash […]
Root Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Marshmallow 6.0.1 using TWRP and Install Magisk
Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 comes with Two variants 2 GB and 3 GB RAM. Even If you have High-End version in this mobile, you may notice some lag issues and slowness in your mobile. Because Xiaomi stopped Security patch and significant upgrades and the device is 3 Years old device. So, By rooting, you can […]
Root Xiaomi Mi A2 Pie 9.0 using TWRP and Install Magisk
Xiaomi Mi A2 is the second version of Android One Xiaomi series. Xiaomi enhanced features in both Hardware and Software compare with the first one. It also received Pie 9.0 Upgrade. Instead of only 4 GB RAM Variant, This model has 6 GB RAM variant also. SO, If you have 6 GB RAM version, you […]
Root Xiaomi Mi A1 Pie 9.0 using TWRP and Install Magisk
Xiaomi Mi A1 series comes with Android One From Google. Your mobile will receive regular patch updates for Two years. So, You will receive updates until the end of 2019. Xiaomi Mi A1 already received Pie 9.0 upgrade. Due to you have enough Hardware with Stock Android, Rooting is not required, in my opinion. Most […]
Root Xiaomi Mi 9 Pie 9.0 using TWRP and Install Magisk
Xiaomi Mi 9 is a flagship-level mobile with Snapdragon 855 Processor and 6/8 GB RAM. The Reason some users need to root Xiaomi devices is because of the Software. Some people are ok with the MIUI, and Some are not. So, If you are a one who hates MIUI, you can root your mobile and […]
Root Xiaomi Mi Max 2 Nougat 7.1.1 using TWRP and Install Magisk
Xiaomi Mi Max 2 is a Mid-Range phone. It comes with the Nougat version. Coming to hardware, you have enough 3/4 GB RAM and Mid-Range Processor. It can survive in the modern Android world. But the problem is Xiaomi Doesn’t roll out Major upgrade- Oreo version. Also, there is no Official Custom ROM are not […]