Samsung Galaxy F52 5G is an upper mid-range mobile with a Snapdragon “7” series processor and 8 GB of RAM. Unlike all other series of mobiles, Samsung Galaxy “F” series is only available in a few countries. It is based on the manufacturing unit and the circle area they can cover without affecting the transport […]
Android 13/ Android 12 / Samsung/ Xiaomi/ Motorola/ Sony/ LG/ / Nokia/ Lenovo/ Google/ Huawei/ HTC/ Asus
Root Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE LTE/5G Wi-Fi Android 12 SM-T730/5/6/7/8 using Magisk
When it comes to Tablet variants, No one can beat Samsung. While other mobile companies hesitate to focus on tablets, Samsung has wide varieties, from entry-level to flagship-level devices. Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE is an upper mid-range tablet with 4-8 GB of RAM based on the variant difference. It can handle any apps or […]
Root Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite Android 12 SM-T220/T225/C/N/T227/U using Magisk
Tablet devices have a unique purpose even though they share standard features with mobiles. Most Tablets are always helpful for Entertainment or Presentations. Unlike regular mobiles, Tablets don’t need customization since their task is limited. Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite is a mid-range Tablet and works perfectly with its decent specs. It also got the […]
Root Samsung Galaxy A22 4G LTE/5G Android 12 SM-A226B/A225F/M using Magisk
After Samsung introduced 5G to flagship mobile phones, they also introduced it to mid-range ones. 5G becomes unreachable until leading mobile manufacturers like Smausmng enter the game. Samsung Galaxy A22 comes with both 4G and 5G variants. Both variants came with Android 11 and got Android 12 too. Coming to specs wise, both mobiles have […]
Root Samsung Galaxy M32 4G/LTE Android 12 SM-M325F/FV using Magisk
Using what is needed and used daily is suitable for life and your mobile. You don’t have to do anything because everybody does. Rooting your mobile is unnecessary with recent mobiles unless you have lagging old ones. Even mid-range mobiles come with decent specs and can survive for 3-4 years. Samsung Galaxy M32 4G/LTE is […]
Root Samsung Galaxy F22 4G/LTE Android 12 SM-E225F using Magisk
Since Samsung has a wide variety of mobiles and manufacturing units worldwide, the price may vary based on the region. When the mobile is an International version, they often try to assign different model numbers to avoid price comparison issues. Samsung Galaxy F22 4G/LTE is one of those mobiles. It is a mid-range mobile with […]
Root Samsung Galaxy M21 2021 Android 12 SM-M215F/G using Magisk
Compared with entry-level mobiles, Mid-Range mobiles won’t affect much when handling heavy apps and updates. Samsung Galaxy M21 and M21 2021 edition both comes with the same specs. Since it has mid-range specs like 4-6 GB of RAM and a decent processor, It can handle any apps or updates without issues. So, When you are […]