Did you know? 95% of the paid apps, you download for free from Third-Party sites are Malware Injected. If you already know that, What a Pro you are…So, back to the topic, Even if the apps from Play Store is the only safe way. Some situation For using Old versions, We can’t install apps from […]
Three Best Security Cams That Work Well With Google Assistant
“Knock knock Delivery man here,” “Hey Google open front door security Camera”- “Stop old stone age jokes David, I can see you in cameras”.”Hmm, that’s how David Jokes doesn’t work again. If you spend a lot of time at home or on the road, even if you have pets or small children to watch, it’s […]
Why is the upcoming New Samsung Galaxy A series a better value for your money?
Yep, Like Samsung M series, New Samsung Galaxy A series are Coming with better value for your money. For those that know what to expect from their devices, a lot of thought goes into the purchase of any phone at all. While some are only concerned about how much clarity the camera provides (trust us, […]
How is Xiaomi Making Cost Effective Phones?
When we hear the word Cost-Effective phones, The first company that comes to our mind is Xiaomi. But how it can achieve this? Xiaomi Chinese smartphone vendor has earned a prominent name for itself selling of Smartphones at almost a third of the price of its competitors. This may sound too good as to be […]
Samsung Galaxy M10 vs M20 vs M30- Major Differences, Can it beat Redmi Mid-Range Phones?
Choosing between the M series can be a Difficult task because of It’s some similar specs. All M series is the same in some specs. So, If you confused, follow our below article..:) The new Samsung M Series launched on February 5, 2019. It must be great news for Samsung Lovers. The Samsung M Series […]
What is 5G Technology? Is It Worth To Buy 5G Smartphones Until 2020?
Hmm… Here we are talking about the real 5G, Not 4G phones say 5Ge and say 5G Evolution. You know what I mean. Simply, If you Buy phones, Just for 5G, It is like Driving Lamborghini in 40 KM Speed road. Everybody praise you, but you only know the pain. If you say “Hey, I […]
Download Magisk.zip and Magisk Manager App All Versions
Download Magisk.zip and Magisk Manager App All Versions (V28.0)– For seasoned Android enthusiasts, Magisk is a trusted tool known for its systemless rooting approach. Developed by Topjohnwu, Magisk allows users to root Android devices without altering core system files. This method not only simplifies the rooting process but also maintains system integrity. The app includes […]