For Xiaomi, the focus will be on the specifications of the mobile rather than the quality. Similarly, the Xiaomi 11T Pro is one of the mobiles that can come with flagship specifications in Xiaomi. It comes with 8-12 GB RAM and Qualcomm SM8350 Snapdragon 888 5 Processor. It can handle pretty much any app and […]
Download Samsung Galaxy A13 5G SM-A136U T-Mobile USA Android 11 One UI 3.1 Stock Firmware (Carrier Locked)
Instead of simply being stubborn when you begin to adopt new things, you can succeed in any Industry. Samsung always goes with the trend, accepts its mistakes, and moves on. While Nokia was stubborn with their OS, Samsung adapted Android, and the rest is history. Samsung faced heavy competition during Xiaomi and Realm e entry […]
Troubleshoot Samsung Galaxy M21 SM-M215F Wi-Fi Not Working
The number of people using social media is increasing day by day. The reason is that today everyone from children to adults uses social media. Some are used for entertainment, and some for showcasing their talents. Internet is required to use such social media. For such internet now WIFI is used more than mobile data. […]
Fix Motorola Edge 30 Pro Stuck on Boot Start screen logo
The main reason for people choosing Moto is its stock Android experience. But that’s not enough for a flagship mobile. It should have the appropriate specs. So, Motorola Edge 30 Pro comes with Qualcomm SM8450 Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 processor and 8-12 GB of RAM. It can handle any apps and updates without issues. But […]
Google Pixel Watch will come with a 300mAh Battery and One Day Backup
The Smartness of the latest devices is evolving day by day. But all of the remote devices purely rely on the battery, and they are not suitable for all devices. Mobiles are still struggling to keep up the backup for one day. Since recent mobile has a high refresh rate, the hurtle becomes high for […]
Netflix Password Sharing Policy Test charging an additional $2/account in South and Central America
If you don’t know, Netflix is the one that makes the OTT platforms popular or makes a path. Companies like Amazon Prime and Disney+ used those paths to quickly gets users. In Reality, The content is the king in the OTT platforms. When they don’t have any attractive content, Users move to other platforms. Netflix […]
Troubleshoot Samsung Galaxy M31 SM-M315FM Wi-Fi Not Working
You can now display your bills as if you were at home. You can buy the items, clothes, food, etc., that you need. Everything works under an Internet connection. The most common link for the internet is Wi-Fi on stable products. Compared with mobile data usage, Most people always prefer Wi-Fi whenever possible. Samsung Galaxy […]