Google introduced Its in-house processor in Pixel 6. Even though the processor may not give top performance compared with other processors, It gives hope to users that Google is slowly moving towards trustworthy hardware products. Also, Compared with other companies’ high-end mobiles, The price is reasonable for Pixel mobiles. Black Friday is coming soon. So, All the E-Commerce Stores try their best to give better offers on the latest products. Now, Google Pixel 7 128GB is Available at $27.73/Mo for 18 Months in Best Buy.
Google Pixel 7 128GB Offer in Best Buy
For $499 instead of a 128GB unlocked version, Google’s “regular-sized” 6.3-inch Pixel 7 could be the most affordable phone that is available and comes with a reasonably smooth AMOLED display at 90Hz with great battery life, capable cameras, and, of course, absolutely excellent software support.
All you have to do is to purchase the desired Pixel 7 or Pixel 7 Pro storage configuration in the color of your choice today with no carrier activation, and the retailer will cut 100 and $150 off of the price on the two Tensor G2 powerhouses with no need to ask questions.
Specifications and Features
The same support policy for software that guarantees timely Android 14 and 15, as well as 16 upgrades (at minimum), clearly applies to the $749 or more Pixel 7 Pro big screen that features a top-of-the-line 120Hz 6.7-inch LTPO AMOLED screen, more endurance than the battery of its minor sister, and a stunning rear-facing shooter configuration that combines the primary camera’s 50MP resolution with the 48MP telephoto lens as well as Ultra-wide-angle sensors of 12MP.
Deal of the Day
Pricing and Availability
Pixel 7 Pro Pixel 7 Pro comes in two storage options – 256GB and 512GB priced at $949 and $849, and $949 respectively, along with a basic version with 128 gigs of locally-based digital storage space, while the standard Pixel 7 is only available in two models that come with 256GB storage capacity. that costs 100 dollars more than the $499 base price currently.
Wrap Up
Compared with previous versions of Pixel mobiles, Pixel 7 is not only improved in specs. They fixed lots of things and provided better features. The $100 from Best Buy offer is also a great deal, and it will be helpful to buy additional accessories without spending costs. Did you plan to buy the Pixel 7 series? Thus it satisfies your expectations? Share it below.
Selva Ganesh is the Chief Editor of this Blog. He is a Computer Science Engineer, An experienced Android Developer, Professional Blogger with 8+ years in the field. He completed courses about Google News Initiative. He runs Android Infotech which offers Problem Solving Articles around the globe.
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