Most average users may get shocked by Google Stadia shutdown news. But Techies and Gamers know it is already coming. While Stadia may be a failure, Nvidia GeForce and other cloud gaming alternatives are slowly emerging. Google is planning to support those Gaming platforms with optimized Chromebooks. These Chromebooks may have better requirements for Cloud Gaming, like Dual Band Wi-Fi, Better Processor and RAM, RGB Keys, and a better cooling system with battery backup.
Google Shuts Down Stadia: Why?
The user base is the main reason. According to Business Insider, Google Stadia only had around 750,000 monthly active customers in 2020. This is far below Google’s goal of 1 million monthly active customers. Comparing it to rivals like Xbox Live or PlayStation Network, where the number of monthly active users is much higher, this is poor.
Google Chromebooks for Gaming
Google announced a new line of Chromebooks “designed for cloud gaming” less than two weeks after it shut down Stadia’s streaming service. Acer Chromebook 516 GE and Asus Chromebook Vibe Chrome55 Flip will feature features that allow optimal online gaming.
GeForce Now will be preinstalled on the laptops, providing support for Xbox Cloud Gaming Beta (Beta), Amazon Luna (mainland USA), and Google Play.
Deal of the Day
Specifications and features
The laptops will have 120Hz+ high-resolution screens, Wi-Fi 6 or 6, 6E, RGB gaming keys (on selected models), and immersive sound. They’ll also be compatible with GeForce Now’s highest performance, RTX3080 tier, for maximum 1600p resolution and 120fps gaming. Independently tested by GameBench, the gaming performance measurement platform, they deliver smooth performance at 120fps with a console-class input latency of less than 85ms.
You can search for games on Nvidia GeForce Now or Google Play and launch them using the Chromebook’s search functionality. Other cloud gaming platforms are expected to follow in the future.
Joining Companies
Google has also partnered with peripheral manufacturers such as Acer, Corsair, and HyperX to ensure that their accessories work with the new Chromebooks.
Wrap Up
Regarding software-related platforms in Google, They shut down the project when it is not working. That’s why most Gaming Studios fear to name tie-ups with them. Game Development and Ports between different platforms always take time and effort. Most of the games are always one-shot go. This means they may release additional DLCs and patches. But the game is a one-time release. So, They put lots of effort into this to make it successful When the release platform is not stable, they can release future games, which is a loss for the company. What are your thoughts about Exclusive Cloud Games-Focused Chromebooks? Share your thoughts below.
Selva Ganesh is the Chief Editor of this Blog. He is a Computer Science Engineer, An experienced Android Developer, Professional Blogger with 8+ years in the field. He completed courses about Google News Initiative. He runs Android Infotech which offers Problem Solving Articles around the globe.
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