With new features, WhatsApp keeps reducing the need for third-party apps that do the job for money. Recent WhatsApp-linked devices allow users to use WhatsApp on different devices without needing the primary device to connect. Recently WhatsApp has been working on a feature that will enable Admin to assign a chat to other WhatsApp-linked devices. […]
Google Meets gets Physical Key Control on Unmute
Most of the Metting begin to happen as Virtual conferences now. The meeting may vary based on how many people participate. When the participants are high, It will always be one speaker, and others are muted. It will give a pleasant experience on the Metting. But, When you want to share a thing, You have […]
How to Turn Off Precise Location Sharing on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok?
Since our mobile become mandatory devices, We have stored lots of personal data, including locations. Most of the recent mobile OS always ask us permission when the App asks for the sites. Sometimes to reduce the frequent ask, We set it to use and leave it as it is. Regular location sharing gives a better […]
Heads up Word Guessing Game Is Coming to Netflix with Stranger Things and Other Popular Shows
Even though there are plenty of interesting Solo games available, When it comes to parties or get-togethers, We can’t play all games due to resource limitations and time. The game should have minimal effort but also should be fun. The heads Up game is popular among people and already has a user base. Now, Heads […]
Email lookalike Ads are coming to Microsoft Outlook Apps
Everybody knows all of the free apps are not free in reality. They get funds through Donations or Advertisements. People don’t hate Ads; They hate when you force them to watch what they don’t want. Ryan Reynolds Ads are famous for the content; people love watching them. Google is already showing Ads on the Promotions […]
No Ads for Kids Contents in Netflix Ad-Supported Plan
Since Netflix is struggling with revenue, They are planning to introduce an Ad-Supported Plan. But the Ad-Supported pan has lots of restrictions, including restricted contents. There are no precise details about how many Ads we see when seeing 1-hour content. Since the Ads may not be curated all the time entirely by Netflix, They planned […]
Google Pixel 7/Pro Hands-on video reveals Design, Dimensions and Weight
Google’s mobile details leaks are always out of hand compared to any other mobile company. Even though companies like Samsung have a wide range of selling worldwide, the leaks are not happening this much. Mobile companies always take many measures to protect the shipping and prototype testing. But somehow, the leaks occur all the time. […]