WhatsApp beta for Android users has recently rolled out an update with a noteworthy feature, enabling seamless smartphone switching without the hassle of backing up data on Google Drive. Currently, this feature is exclusively accessible to a good group of users participating in the beta program. According to reports from the Beta app details, this […]
Why are Samsung Mobiles Not Popular in Japan?
In the global smartphone market, Samsung is recognized as one of the leading companies, often competing head-to-head with Apple. However, Samsung has struggled to gain significant traction in the Japan market. With less than 10% market share compared to Apple’s dominating 60%, one may wonder what factors contributed to Samsung’s lack of popularity in Japan. […]
Fix Netflix Low Video Quality on Samsung Galaxy Mobiles
Are you experiencing low video quality while streaming Netflix on your Samsung Galaxy mobile device? Don’t worry; there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take to improve your viewing experience. From checking your internet connection to updating the Netflix app and optimizing your device settings, these simple solutions can help enhance the video quality […]
How to Enable and Disable Chrome Flags?
If you enjoy exploring the depths of technology and pushing the boundaries of your ChromeOS ecosystem, then you’re likely familiar with the term “flags.” Chrome flags refer to experimental features and tools embedded within the Chrome browser and ChromeOS. These hidden gems are either in the testing phase or have not yet made it to […]
Multiple ways to contact Verizon Wireless USA
Verizon Wireless offers several ways in which customers can get in touch with them, whichever is the most convenient option for them. For instance, customers can call the customer care center, which is available 24/7, where they will find a representative ready to help them with any questions. Alternatively, they can use the company’s live […]
Download DuckDuckGo Windows Browser
Privacy has become increasingly problematic for web users, given the practices of numerous widely-used browsers that meticulously monitor their activities, amass personal information, and construct detailed profiles. Fortunately, DuckDuckGo, a search engine company committed to safeguarding privacy, has taken the initiative to address this concern. Following its successful Mac browser launch, DuckDuckGo has now introduced […]
Fix Netflix Low Video Quality on Sony Xperia Mobiles
If you are a Sony Xperia user who enjoys streaming content on Netflix, you may have encountered the frustrating issue of low video quality after installing the latest Android 13 update. This problem has been reported by numerous users on devices such as Xperia 1, Xperia 5 II, and Xperia 1 III. However, fret not! […]