When Qualcomm announced the Snapdragon 865 and 765 series, Along with the processor specs, they announced some software update related news. In those exclusive features, they told them they are going to push the direct OTA update to optimize the GPU drivers in Android Mobiles. As per the announcement, In the Google Games Developer summit, […]
How to use Google Translate Transcribe?
The one worst thing when traveling to other language countries and states is not understanding their language. Yes, We planned a lot of things correctly. But, When we can’t communicate during our vacation, Our all plans may fall under the worst condition. But, When we have our smartphones, we can avoid things like that. We […]
How to use Huawei App Search to find compatible apps?
You may already know, After Huawei banned in the US, Google stopped the Google Play Store support. Thus finding the trusted supporting apps store can be a complicated process. Also, Huawei selling the Non-Google Apps mobiles outside regions too. So, To make the process of getting Android apps made easy using the App search method. […]
Save Snapchat Videos in Android Mobiles and iOS
Restricted features always get high interest. When you view the Snaps, they will be deleted. Snapchat stories disappear after 24 hours. This kind of restriction raises curiosity towards Snapchat. But, most of the time, we create exciting Snaps and view the best stories. You are not a stranger when you can access someone’s Snapchat account. […]
Google Pixel 4a comes with UFS 2.1 Storage Instead of eMMC 5.1
You can have powerful specs on your mobile. But, When your storage is too slow, there is no use of having that much essential parts. It is like riding a supercar with a speed limit. You can’t reach it’s potential. Most of the manufacturers prefer UFS storage instead of eMMC storage. Now It is google […]
Fix- YouTube Not work for me
Youtube is a most-liked and trusted video platform. Nearly most of users always prefer YouTube content. All Android mobiles have a YouTube app. So, When the platform has a vast audience, small issues can affect a large number of users. When there is an issue with their server, You can’t do anything other than wait. […]
How to Fix All Google Play Store Issues in Android Mobiles?
It is wise to always use Google Play Store apps, instead of sideloading the apps from other sites. But, Sometimes, the installation and update process through the Play Store may not happen as we expect. When you have issues in apps, you can fix that using re-install or update. But, What if you face problems […]