After the merger with Sprint, T-Mobile doesn’t uniquely treat Sprint customers or give its T-Mobile privilege access to them. Finally, that flaw ends. Hereafter, Sprint Customers can access T-Mobile Tuesday Promotions. Instead of getting the right name, T-Mobile got some negative feedback from the Sprint side. Some o the Sprint employees are lay-off during this […]
Xiaomi Mi Watch Revolve expected Specs, Design, and Price
Many manufacturers can create fitness bands at affordable prices. But, It can’t give full features like a real Smartwatch. Also, Wearing fitness and in all situations may not look good. It will not match with your daily activities. But, the Smartwatch is not cheap. When you notice the price of Moto and Samsung Smartwatches, you […]
Zoom Free plans also getting End-to-End Encryption (E2EE)
During the current period, The need for video conference platforms has increased multiple folds. And one of the most widely used software to cater to this need has been none other than ZOOM. While it has the trust of a vast number of users out there, it brings upon a great responsibility to privacy concerns […]
Google Meet full integration coming to Gmail mobile App
We heard about a lot of success stories in the app category. Zoom got succeed in the needed time. Most people have to work from home during this time. And Zoom becomes there a must-have platform for all Employees, Students, and Teachers. Everybody using the video platform for different use. After this success, Tech giant […]
You can claim free legit PC Witcher 3 Game through GOG if you have Console edition
People are on ‘stay at home’ mode all over the world regardless of their profession or passions. From a business person to a game lover, none is different. Amongst these times, many game companies and publishers are giving away various game editions to their users. The giant game developers, including Epic Games, Nintendo & PlayStation, […]
Qualcomm announced budget 5G Snapdragon 690 processor
Electronic things and new technologies are always priced high when they newly released. But After it adopted by most of the people, Manufacturers, and Producers begin to make affordable things to access the technology. The same thing goes for 5G when 5G mobiles are announced it available only in Flagship mobiles. Where the starting price […]
Major US Mobile carriers outage- What Happened?
On 15th June 2020, around noon, PT T-Mobile users face outage issues. They can’t make a voice call and use data. The outage is now recovered. Most of the users can now use their network. But, We will go through what happened and what caused the outage among major US Mobile carriers. It slowly spread […]