Some of the apps limited their platform within mobile for some reasons. But the restriction may or may not help them to grow. Some of the social platforms like Snapchat and Instagram have limited features in the Desktop version. Compare with the Desktop version, Mobile users have a long usage time and keep coming back […]
How to activate apt-X HD, SBC, AAC, and LDAC Bluetooth Audio Codecs in Android Mobiles?
Even if we are growing in technology every year in Smartphone Industry, We still need connectivity methods to interact with other hardware accessories. One of the common techniques used to interact with Audio devices is Bluetooth. In Bluetooth, There are plenty of new technologies and versions added to improve the connection and decrease the connectivity […]
How to use Twitter DMs Old Conversation Search Bar in Android Mobiles and Desktop Browser?
Sometimes even lead tech companies will not include few user-required features. It may affect the platform. Or they didn’t notice the required features. Messages Search is one of the important things in any Message handling platform. Even in mobile default SMS, Mobiel companies begin to add the feature. Most platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Google […]
How to Reverse/Downgrade YouTube App Update in Android Mobiles?
Updates in the app are always released to maintaining better security and give features. But sometimes, when they change the UI, or your favorite feature is missing, It will not give you a good user experience. Most of the time, the updates are useful. But sometimes, they may depreciate the one feature that we want. […]
$80 Nokia 2720 V Flip phone will support Verizon 4G VoLTE
All US mobile carriers already announced that they would shut down their 2G and 3G networks by 2022. Even though they give time for users, The shutdown process already started in most of the regions. They are slowly changing twoers into 4G and 5G. Most of the users use basic phones for different purposes. They […]
Google Cloud won SpaceX Starlink Data Centers Deal
Even if Starlink doesn’t attract all city users, It attracts most rural area users and remote areas. The main purpose is to help the people who didn’t get a proper data connection. Carriers will not invest huge money in those areas to build the network infrastructure. Some available ISPs’ speed is not that much great […]
Google Pay now allows you to send money to Other Country People
Google Pay is slowly becoming the primary payment source for most of the payment gateway in Online and Physical stores. However, based on the country, The Google Pay integration differs. There is no crossover transaction between different countries due to a lot of restrictions between country rules. Now, Google plans to roll out cross-country transactions […]