Facebook and WhatsApp may receive lots of privacy-related issues. But both of them are still popular platforms. Most Smartphone users use WhatsApp to share the data between them. It is one of the frequently used Messenger apps. After WhatsApp forcing users to accept the privacy statement, It loses tons of users. Then we know how […]
Ways to Wake Up the Android Mobiles Screen Without using Physical Keys
The old-style technologies are reducing day by day. Mobile companies begin to provide a high display body ratio as much as possible. So, They have to cut off the outside physical components to make room for the other components. Most of the companies already cut down the home, back, and task manager physical keys. Whenever […]
Now You can migrate All your WhatsApp Chat Data from iOS to Samsung Galaxy Mobiles
Mobile companies may pride themself by offering an easy way to switch the mobile data between your old mobiles to the new one. But in reality, You can migrate only 50-60% of data from the original phone. All your App data must have synced with your Google account to finish the smooth process. But compare […]
Now you can save All file Types as offline mode in Google Drive
There are lots of Cloud Drive options available. But the success of any platform depends on the percentage of regular users. When it is coming to reality, Google always stays ahead of other solutions. Because of its Simple and Easy UI and Options, Most users always prefer Google Drive to store their data. Compare with […]
How to do Custom Size Image Search in Google?
You can find plenty of free images on lots of free websites based on your query. But most people always prefer Google Images. Due to Google is a search engine and is not an Image hosting site, Most of the Images are licensed, and they are limited with the search when it comes to image […]
Xiaomi Mi Notebook 2021 Pro and Ultra Launched from $770
After getting a huge user base on any platform, Companies always begin to test with the other platforms. Because they already have brand trust, and if they play correctly in the new platform, They can easily grab good sales with an existing user base. That’s what Xiaomi trying to do. They are already familiar with […]
Toll Fees Details are coming to Google Maps
The popularity of Google Maps is reasonable because of its available features. Google never settles with its features. They always keep adding new ones available in the market and always hear what users want. They already added Parking Space details, Stop signs, Traffic signal availability, and Current Traffic staus. But most of the users always […]