Compared with other Message platforms, Due to End-to-End Encryption and other security measures, WhatsApp has become one of the must need chat platforms among users. Not only tech people, Still primary users only know Media Message solution is WhatsApp. Other Messaging apps are not familiar in rural areas. But the success of WhatsApp is they […]
Nokia announced a T20 10.4″ tablet with Wi-Fi and LTE option starting from $249
Mobile companies have to be more careful when selecting products. One Product issue can affect all other product sales. We know what happens with Samsung Galaxy Note 7. Since Samsung is a huge company, they can survive from that fall. Tablets vector is not a spotlight space from mobile manufacturers. Since the sales are low […]
How to Find Fuel-Efficient Routes in Google Maps?
There are lots of Online Maps available. But Google Maps is widely used by all the people and the delivery services. Due to its accuracy and additional features, People always stay with the platform instead of alternatives. Google also keeps adding new features often. They always add valuable things, even if it is a minor […]
OnePlus TV Q1 Android TV version, Supporting Cast, Other Specs
When you can do something unique, and the users love it, You can try the same pattern or plan in other products. OnePlus always go with the user feedback. Most of the OnePlus mobile lineups are always filled with the user’s desires. After the mobile success, The OnePlus TV lineups are getting users good feedback. […]
Verizon launched 150GB new Prepaid Plan for $70/Mo
Due to heavy competition, Mobiel companies have to provide better plans and costs to users. Verizon Wireless is one of the best Networks in the US region. Even if it got a huge base, They can’t simply sit down with the old plans. T-Mobile is chasing every corner where Verizon is already on Top. While […]
OnePlus TV U1s Android TV version, Supporting Cast, Other Specs
When you have a vast trusted user base, You can try other new things. With the Brand Value, users always test the products. OnePlus is a mobile brand, and they stick with the mobile lineups for a while. But after Xiaomi begin to sell other consumer products, OnePlus begin to release their new lineup of […]
Other Android OEMs like Samsung can adapt Android 12 Material You Dynamic Theme
Google introduced Material You in 2014. But they have taken it seriously only in the last few months. If techie’s guess is correct, They are slowly moving their environment into Fuchsia OS. It will not happen in two or three years. But in the long term, Google may use Fuchia OS as their primary device […]