The major problem with Online purchasing is delivery. Most of us face at least one shipment delay issue with our packages. When we find any problem with the package, we have to ship it again, and the process will frustrate us. With the new Apple idea, the shipment issues will reduce by a huge percentage. They plan to ship iPhones fro nearby Physical stores to its customers. So, The assured Next day iPhone delivery is possible with Apple Stores Shipment idea. Also, It will cut down the package handling cost from One region to another. Instead of delivering a huge distance, they can ship the package with the minimal cost within a limited range. Also, It will increase the stock in a nearby warehouse.
If you live close to the Apple Store in the USA and Canada, you will receive your Apple device quicker than ever. Apple decided to use its retail stores as distribution centers for delivering products to consumers.
What is the traditional delivery process of Apple products?
Various vendors inside china manufacture Apple devices like iPhone, iPad, Macs, and other accessories. Fewer labor charges and a low rate of other expenses are the main reason for this giant manufacturing inside other countries. Every Apple device you book is shipped directly from the Manufacturing unit or Bulk Warehouses, and you received it at your home address. Usually, it takes time and involves many traveling expenses that ultimately added to the product cost. The shipment may take from 3-15 days based on your distance from the source address.
What is this new Apple Stores Shipment idea?
Many big retail stores send the order from specific regions customer to their delivery point in that region. From that delivery point, orders are delivered to individual customers. It takes less time and reduces the delivery cost as well.
Apple now decided to adopt this new Apple Stores Shipment delivery strategy. Apple has decided to use its 300 retail stores spread across the USA and Canada to deliver the available products in stock to customers. It means the fastest delivery times for customers living around these Apple retail stores. Instead of sending the warehouse package, you will receive Apple products from nearby Apple stores within 100 miles range. But you will receive a package from the courier as usual. The major cost for the product is shipping. Rumors suggesting there is no charger will be provided with iPhone 12. So, there is already a ton of space is available for the extra package. When they implement this new delivery system, They can get more profit. Also, The new mobile lineups may come as affordable cost compares with previous years.
What medium of Transportation will Apple use?
According to the new strategy, Apple will use the local courier companies to deliver faster from its retail stores. For delivery in Canada, Apple will use the United Parcel Services Inc, and for USA residents, Apple will hire FedEx Corp. for faster ground shipping to their doorsteps. With this new delivery option, you will get your device day after your order. No long wait at all. This pregame will be applicable only for those customers who live within 100 miles surrounding the Apple stores. When you have a resource, you should use it wisely. Microsoft’s physical stores are closed permanently for not getting enough sales. Instead of using the stores for sales, Every mobile company should use this idea.
Can you choose the Source Apple Store for your Product?
In this new strategy, you won’t have any choice, whether you want that device from the warehouse or the store. The Apple operation team will decide all about it. You will get your order delivered by the retail store if you live within 100 miles of any Apple store.
Is it the Proper Time for Launching this new Apple Stores Shipment Delivery System?
It seems that Apple selected the right time and the right decision to change the delivery strategy as some Apple products are launching very soon. These products include four new iPhone 5G phones, a new iPad Air, headphones, and a home Pod. Most of all, Apple is launching its first Macs with Apple’s own Silicone processor. Google is also planning to use its in-house processors for the upcoming Pixel and Chromebooks.
Moreover, this change in delivery will help the retail stores keep operating even when closed for current health situations. These stores will be used as the help centers for providing customer online help. Many of these stores have already started a small online help area at the backside of their vicinity.
Wrap Up
In recent months Apple coming with new ideas that may benefit users. They launched iPhone SE2 at an affordable price. Apple is also working Apple One Package to cover most of your digital subscriptions under one plan. Apple’s new delivery plan will save a lot of time and cost as well. The customers will get their orders faster and may get some relief due to low-cost delivery. All other companies should follow new plans to reduce handling costs and reduce mobile prices to attract users. What do you think about this new Apple Stores Shipment idea? Will it help the customers? Do tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

Selva Ganesh is the Chief Editor of this Blog. He is a Computer Science Engineer, An experienced Android Developer, Professional Blogger with 8+ years in the field. He completed courses about Google News Initiative. He runs Android Infotech which offers Problem Solving Articles around the globe.
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