When it is coming to keep up the features with real-time situations, Telegram is always ahead of any other Messaging platform. That’s why most of the users prefer the Telegram app. They are the ones who always release exciting options. Since we can’t ignore Social platforms in a day, We can’t avoid our favorite movie spoilers. It can come from our following pages or group chats. Knowing twists our goosebumps scenes will reduce the excitement of seeing them in the movies. Telegram will roll out a new feature that can hide the spoilers of any thread in the group chat to avoid spoiler chats or messages. Currently, Telegram is testing it in the iPhone, But we expect it to be a full rollout.
Telegram is among the most popular messengers available for those who value features. It provides support for massive groups and extensive support for theming and hardly limits the size of files that It can share. It seems like the software people are trying to add another exciting feature. The most recent enhancement to the rich and feature-packed IM might be spoiler notifications. The company is currently working on a new option to format text to mark a specific message as a spoiler.
Hide Spoilers in your Telegram Chat
A thread on the Telegram subreddit and a tweet from Dylan Roussel shows that the messaging app may hide possibly sensitive or movie-spoiling texts shortly. The screen-recording indicates that this option is not available in the menu for a long-press style displayed when you click text. After you press send, you’ll see that It will replace the message you sent with a blurry colored placeholder instead of actual sentences and words. The original text will only show up after you click it.
Deal of the Day
The video shared was made on the Telegram channel. It’s unknown whether the feature will be accessible in individual conversations or groups. We do not know if just text option will be available or media including videos and images. This new feature is reminiscent the Apple’s Invisible Ink iMessage effect. It gives pixelated messages that hide spoilers and surprises, or sensitive information. It’s almost accessible to the public given that the Redditor could successfully use it on their own. We expect it to be available on all platforms from the first day, considering that Telegram generally updates all its apps simultaneously.
Reason and Availability
With new exciting Marvel films and a brand new Matrix film shows coming up on the horizon, Telegram could not be a better time to launch an innovative feature such as this. Telegram hasn’t announced when it’s planning to start the new feature or if it will be available on iOS and the desktop.
Wrap Up
Messaging platforms must stay updated with the current trend and users’ thoughts. When they can catch the user’s thoughts and what they want from the platform, they can succeed in their way. Compared with any other alternatives, Telegram has a massive list of groups, and when coming to Group activities, Most of the users prefer Telegram. Most of us watch Popular movies within a week or so. But for some reason, when we have to wait, We should make sure the spoilers will not hit us. Hiding Spoilers may not look like a real deal, But it is allowed to discuss after the show between the users who watched the film and avoid being seen by the other users. What did you think about the Spoiler hide feature in Telegram? Share your thoughts below.
Selva Ganesh is the Chief Editor of this Blog. He is a Computer Science Engineer, An experienced Android Developer, Professional Blogger with 8+ years in the field. He completed courses about Google News Initiative. He runs Android Infotech which offers Problem Solving Articles around the globe.
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