Compared with the old days, Recent Android mobiles have improved a lot. Samsung Galaxy A23 5G is an entry-level mobile with 4-8 GB of RAM and a Qualcomm SM6375 Snapdragon 695 5G processor. It can handle any apps or updates without issues. The software is also well-optimized with the latest Android 12 version. Your mobile […]
Android 13/ Android 12 / Samsung/ Xiaomi/ Motorola/ Sony/ LG/ / Nokia/ Lenovo/ Google/ Huawei/ HTC/ Asus
Download Xiaomi Redmi A1 Plus Android 12 MIUI 13.0 ROM
Unlike Apple iPhone, Google doesn’t control the hardware specs of different companies’ mobiles. Since Android is your open source, any developer can use the code. But even the company needs to use those OS, and they have to make a tie-up with Google. Suppose Android OS doesn’t perform well on different mobiles. It will affect the overall rate of Android OS. […]
Download Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 Comcast USA Android 12 SM-F936U One UI 4.1 Stock Firmware (Carrier Locked)
Compared with regular mobiles, tablet devices are not widely used everywhere. If you notice, tablet devices are mainly used for houses, entertainment, or offices. Because of its size, we can’t carry that mobile device to all the places. But the new concept of Samsung can shrink the device size and easily fit in our pockets. Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4 is […]
Download Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 T-Mobile USA Android 12 SM-F721U One UI 4.1 Stock Firmware (Carrier Locked)
Samsung’s flip and fold mobiles may look like same in design, but the purpose of both mobiles are different. Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 is for users who feel their regular mobiles are bulk to fill their pockets. But fold mobiles are helpful for those who use common tablet mobiles but want to shrink the size. Both mobiles are […]
Download Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 Spectrum Mobile Charter USA Android 12 SM-F721U One UI 4.1 Stock Firmware (Carrier Locked)
Even though the careers list looks vast in the USA, only a few prominent companies like Verizon, T-mobile, and US Cellular have substantial user bases. The same companies tie up with leading companies, like Samsung, Apple, and Google, and provide and sell carrier-locked mobiles to people. After the massive success of Samsung’s Flip and Fold designs, they began […]
Download Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 Verizon Wireless USA Android 12 SM-F721U One UI 4.1 Stock Firmware (Carrier Locked)
Even though mobile companies and mobile industries look like it is trending and growing Day by Day. We can see plenty of new ideas in the early and midrange years. Like slide flip, phones are available. But after Android OS began to trend, mobile combinations stuck with solid brick design. Some mobile companies try their best to […]
Download Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 Comcast USA Android 12 SM-F721U One UI 4.1 Stock Firmware (Carrier Locked)
Until Samsung released different mechanical-based devices, Mobiles were slowly becoming boring. After Samsung began to release Fold and Flip mobiles, It gave users a new view of mobiles. Since it is a flagship mobile, It is available in all countries and carriers. Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 is a flagship mobile in all countries and […]