Xiaomi mi 11 is the first flagship mobile with Qualcomm SM8350 Snapdragon 888. Qualcomm developed this Snapdragon 888 chip after problems with their previous Snapdragon 810. It comes with 6-12 GB RAM variants. It can handle pretty much any app and update. But when you face any issues during the update or other flash methods, […]
Android 13/ Android 12 / Samsung/ Xiaomi/ Motorola/ Sony/ LG/ / Nokia/ Lenovo/ Google/ Huawei/ HTC/ Asus
Fix Battery Drain Issues in Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 Plus SM-T970/T975/T976 After Installing Update
Not everyone uses the tablet in general, but some use it for work related to career, study, and entertainment. It is used for multi-tasking and converting a tablet into a laptop. The battery capacity is as large as its function. Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 Plus comes with a 10090 mAh battery. It can provide two-day […]
Download Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus SM-G965U Spectrum Charter Mobile USA Snapdragon Android 10 One UI 2.0 Stock Firmware (Carrier Locked)
Since Samsung uses Different processors based on the region in flagship mobiles, The Firmware rollout also becomes complicated and has a different time frame. Compared with International versions, US and Canada region mobiles always get late updates. As per the schedule, Samsung Galaxy S9 Plus already got its final Android 10 update. But for some […]
Fix Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite SM-T220/T225/T227 Bluetooth Pairing and Not Detecting issues
Infrared rays were first used to share a file. Then Bluetooth was invented. Now we are using Wi-Fi. However, Bluetooth is still used today to transfer small files. Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite comes with Bluetooth 5.0, and it can connect with most of the devices without any issues. But when you face any problems […]
Troubleshoot Samsung Galaxy A70s SM-A7070/F Freeze Not Responding issues
When we buy powerful hardware specs for mobile, We can reduce the issues of freeze and stuck. It doesn’t mean we are entirely free from that kind of issue. Since Even a bad basic app can affect the mobile, we should take some measures to avoid uncomfortable situations. Samsung Galaxy A70s is an upper mid-range […]
Fix Xiaomi Mi 10S Stuck on Boot Start screen logo
Since we are dealing with Smartphoiens, which are way better than Old PCs, We have to face what we face in PC-related issues. Mobile manufacturers are trying their best to reduce the stuck or freeze issues. But. None of the mobiles are free from those issues. Since the usage differs from user to user, The […]
Fix Samsung Galaxy M01s SM-M017F Stuck on Boot Start screen logo
As the days go by, the demand for low specs mobiles is declining. This is because the applications are increasing day by day. Samsung Galaxy M01s comes with 3GB of RAM and a Mediatek MT6762 Helio P22 processor. It can handle any apps and updates without issues. But when your Samsung Galaxy M01s is stuck […]