When it comes to World Rich persons, Entrepreneurs, there is always a gap between regular people and them. You can’t quickly contact or interact with them. You can only see and get the information from them on News or other sources. But Elon Musk breaks those barriers. With the help of Twitter, He interacts with regular people and even shares Memes. He is not like others and considers what people say. Some people Are Ok with Elon Musk on Twitter, and some are not. After Elon Musk acquired Twitter, he kept rolling out new things, and Twitter Drastically changed. Now, Elon Musk is asking people whether he should Step Down as Head of Twitter in the poll, and it is getting more “Yes” votes.
Twitter’s Controversial Steps in the last few weeks
He blocked a tweet that featured a swastika by Ye, the rapper formerly known as Kanye West. This month marked his shift from this stance. He exaggerated his efforts by suspending more than 25 Twitter accounts that posted public flight data, including one for his private jet. On 17-18 December 2022, several journalists, who had reported on the purge, were also kicked off Twitter.
The Latest Steps are not Welcome by People
Twitter’s moderation seems to be less guided by established rules than by the owner. Musk claims he is protecting people from being doxed. However, he censored accounts this week without restriction, not for illegal speech but because they were offensive to him.
Why Twitter Suspends More Accounts that share ElonJet hashtag data?
Musk’s stance changed this week when he claimed that a “crazy stalker” followed a car with his son. There are still questions about the incident. It’s unclear how an account that tweets aircraft location data publicly available from many sources could be connected to a car accident. Musk was compelled to speak out against sharing another person’s recent or real-time location information.
Elon Musk Poll on Step Down as Head of Twitter
Deal of the Day
Elon Musk, Twitter’s new CEO and owner, posted an informal poll asking users if they wanted him to step down as the company’s head on December 18, 2022. The majority (57%) of respondents wanted the billionaire to resign. At 3:30 AM ET, 15.2 million votes had been cast. ET 15.2 Million votes had been cast.
Musk stated that he would adhere to the poll results due to close Monday morning. However, it is not clear if he will.
Elon Musk responded to a tweet question about the CEO question. “The question isn’t finding a CEO; the question is finding one who can keep Twitter going.”
Are Twitter Polls Trustable?
Twitter polls can be described as straw polls. They are informal and are not comparable to professional public opinion research. Inauthentic accounts or bots may be able to register a response to a Twitter survey.
Can we expect new CEO Elon Musk Poll to get more “Yes”?
As the poll is moving towards change, We have to wait for What is on Elon Musk’s mind. He may or may not change the CEO. But People expect some change, and they need New CEO who can handle Twitter alone.
Wrap Up
In terms of people’s thoughts, Elon Musk is doing a great job in other fields like Tesla, SpaceX, and Starlink. But when it comes to Twitter, Most people are unhappy with the recent decisions made by the Twitter team. The Bluet tick paid and official are confusing. Unlike other companies, Twitter is a social platform that relies on Advertisement. Some of the Popular Advertising companies already move away from Twitter. When a platform looks unstable, the investors will go off the hook. So, instead of juggling here and there, Twitter should follow plans like other platforms.
T-Mobile’s Ex-CEO already asks about the Twitter CEO job. We know, How much he improved T-Mobiel after he took over. Here I am not suggesting. Platform knowledge and other talent are also required for Future CEOs. So, Based on Elon Musk’s steps and the Step-Down Twitter Poll Votes, We can expect the new CEO after the poll ends. But the decision is purely in Elon Musk’s hands.
Selva Ganesh is the Chief Editor of this Blog. He is a Computer Science Engineer, An experienced Android Developer, Professional Blogger with 8+ years in the field. He completed courses about Google News Initiative. He runs Android Infotech which offers Problem Solving Articles around the globe.
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