The most common thing we used in regular calculations is conversion. Most of the time, people ask about different conversions. It can be anything from KM to Mile or Currency conversion. Due to the high usage and ask rate, Google added a Convert option now available within Android Smart Text Selection. Hereafter, You don’t have to type the full conversion phrase to get your results. You can select the value you want to convert than the Android Smart Text Selection will ask you with the Convert option. When you select the option, You can get the result based on your current currency and location.
Google quietly rolled out a new Convert feature in the Android Smart Selection tool. The Smart Selection tool has now got the ability to convert length, volume, and currency conversion into other units, preferably into your local units. Although it shows the Google App results rather than in your current window, it is still fast than the manual copy and pasting.
What is this Smart Selection Conversion Feature in Android?
Google introduced the Smart Text Selection back in 2017. It allows you to pass the contents from one app to another quickly rather than manually copy and paste from one app to another. It made many things straightforward and convenient. Just tap and hold the phone number; it will intelligently highlight the full number and offer you to dial this number from the dial pad or save it in your contact list. The same is with Email addresses and Web addresses.
With this new Convert feature in the Selection tool, you can select the text and conveniently convert it into your local units. You don’t need to copy and open the Convert app and paste it for a required conversion. It makes life easy and saves many steps and your precious time.
How does the Convert feature work in Smart Selection Tool?
Even if there are many best currency conversion apps available, The in-built convert feature is pretty simple and works exactly as Google Convert works in Google App. However, it makes your work easier and simple. You don’t need to copy the selected text; open the Conversion app and then paste it there for the results. Select the desired text, and it will offer the Convert button to convert it into your desired units. Rest is done with Google App in a new window.
Deal of the Day
How to Use the Convert feature in Smart Selection Tool?
Google made it pretty easy to convert the units into your required units in a few steps.
- To use this Convert feature, Tap and hold the text that you want to select.
- A new menu pops up with many options with the Convert option in the first place.
- You can select the proper text by moving the handles around the selected text.
- Now tap the Convert option in the pop-up menu.
- Android will open the Google App, and you get the required conversion. Here you can change the target conversion units other than your local units.
As Google, by default, convert into your local units. It works for most units that Google can handle, like length, volume, temperature, mass, currency, and time conversion.
Google didn’t officially announce this feature, so there are no details available about this feature. Testing and practice have confirmed that it is working on Android 9 and above Operating System devices. If you have Android 8 or below, you don’t need to worry about this new feature.
If you want to more complex conversion like Force applied in Newtons or work amount in Joule, then the convert option won’t appear in the Smart Selection tool.
Another limitation is that it opens the conversion in Google App and leave the current reading window. If you use the Back gesture, it does not return to the original article; instead, it goes to the Google App’s Home Screen.
Not all Android users having Android 9 and above, yet this feature functional in their Smart Selection tool. So, it seems that the tech giant may spread it for testing. Google didn’t say any word about it; instead, it only confirmed its existence on Issue Tracker two weeks earlier. Hopefully, soon you will get this feature available on your device.
Wrap Up
Small feature add-ons are always useful to users. Google added Traffic signals location in Google Maps. Some readers proved that this feature popped up early in July; regardless of its roll-out date, it made the task simpler and easier with time-saving. Now you can convert your Dollars into Pounds while reading your Emails and WhatsApp messages. Google should add more shortcuts like this in the future, like launching the respective app from URL selection. Do tell us in the comments about your experience with this conversion feature.
Selva Ganesh is the Chief Editor of this Blog. He is a Computer Science Engineer, An experienced Android Developer, Professional Blogger with 8+ years in the field. He completed courses about Google News Initiative. He runs Android Infotech which offers Problem Solving Articles around the globe.
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