Backup our photos to Cloud services is always a wise idea. Most of them we know that. But due to some limited features available in image capturing devices, Most of us use backup services in mobile or PC. Whenever we want to share or backup our photos in DSLR camera, We have to manually copy the images to PC or mobile and then upload it to cloud service. But, Now Now you can backup your Canon Camera photos directly to Google Photos using Wi-Fi when you have an eligible device. All You need to do is connect a Google account with your Canon Camera using a mobile app, and you are good to go.
“” app
Canon launched an app on April 14, 2020. Using the Canon iCloud storage, Canon camera transfers the phots and video over Wi-Fi to the picture. Canon for 30 days with unlimited storage space. You could use only 10GB for long time storage. The image was uploaded with original-quality when the camera connects with the app—the picture. Canon users can already transfer their photos directly to Google One Drive or YouTube. Now image. Canon added the Google Photo on the list. Now you can share your photos and videos from your Canon DSLR camera directly to Google Photo, which gives you many facilities to edit your images.
Even if the recent cameras have some AI features, A DSLR camera owner knows that transferring the photos and videos from the camera to your device is a process. You need the cables to connect your camera with your device and the number of tasks to completer the transfer. You can now transfer your photos directly to Google photos within seconds without plugging-in your camera or taking out SD cards if you have the app.
Google Photos upload Supporting Canon Camera Models
Canon is working to connect every cannon camera with this app, but it is currently supporting limited models. Hers is the list of camera models that can connect with the image. Canon to transfer photos over Wi-Fi.
- EOS-R (a, 5, 6, 6D, 70, 77D, 80, 90)
- EOS Rebel (T6, T6i, T6s, T7, T7i, T8i, SL)
- EOS M (5, 6, 6 MARK II, 50, 100, 200)
How to upload Canon camera photos to Google Photos using “” app?
It has never been easy to capture your pictures with your DSLR and back up to your computer or laptop. Now Google has made it much more comfortable with the launch of an app “” It is a software collaboration of Google and the Canon, the world-leading camera products company. This app enables you to quickly backup your photos to Google Photo backup over the Wi-Fi with the selected models of Canon cameras.
Suppose you don’t have the image. canon app, then you can download and install for Android and iOS from Play Store or App Store accordingly. Sign in your Google account and connect your Canon DSLR with this app. After this connection setup, when your camera will connect the app, it will automatically transfer the recent photos and videos to Google Photos.
Storage Pricing
The only limitation to the use of this app is the Google One subscription. With the launch of Google Photos in the image. Canon list, Canon is offering a 100GB storage with a one-month free trial to Google One drive. After a one-month trial, there is a pricing plan for Google One drive storage. Cost for 100GB is $1.99/month. For 200GB price is $2.99/month, $9.99/ month, and $99.99/year for 2TB, whereas pricing plans for 10TB, 20TB, and 30TB are also available on demand.
Wrap up
Transferring photos and videos from your DSLR to your device is always fatigued. Many of your pics remain in the camera memory, and you forget about those. Now with the integration of the image. Many companies are utilizing Google Photos. Recently Facebook allows us to export pictures and videos to Google Photos. The setup may take a few minutes. But it can save you a lot of memories without worrying about losing. Google Photos and with your Canon DSLR, you won’t miss any memorable moments. Are you going to use the trial period of Google One drive storage for your photos and videos? Or did you plan to buy additional plans? Do tell us in the comments below.

Selva Ganesh is the Chief Editor of this Blog. He is a Computer Science Engineer, An experienced Android Developer, Professional Blogger with 8+ years in the field. He completed courses about Google News Initiative. He runs Android Infotech which offers Problem Solving Articles around the globe.
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