In the old days, we root our mobile to remove bloatware apps and improve performance slightly. Because of the modern specs, we don’t need to do those tasks. Even if mobile manufacturers heavily installed bloatware apps, it won’t affect our daily performance. But developers to begin releasing some of the useful apps that require root […]
OnePlus is working on Smart Watch with Snapdragon Wear 4100 Processor
OnePlus comes to this place because they always listen to its users. Yes, They slightly move from their customers when they released OnePlus 8 because of the pricing. But with the help of OnePlus Nord, They grab most of the budget category. Now OnePlus is working on Smart Watch with Snapdragon Wear 4100 Processor and […]
Unlock Bootloader LG G5 All variants
Rooting does not involve only TWRP or other custom recovery installation; There are some pre-requirement steps are need to perform the Rooting. Unlock bootloader is a necessary step when your mobile manufacturer or carrier locks your mobile bootloader. Unless we can’t unlock the bootloader, We can’t do any developer actions. Below We are going to […]
Root Motorola Moto G7 Play Android 10 using TWRP and Install Magisk
Compare with other custom skin OS devices, when you have Stock Android mobile, the chances for getting root is high. Because in the name of custom skin, Manufacvtuerrs always out a lot of steps as a barrier for rooting. Not only Moto One series, but Most of the Motorola mobiles also come with near Stock […]
Now you can backup your Canon Camera photos directly to Google Photos
Backup our photos to Cloud services is always a wise idea. Most of them we know that. But due to some limited features available in image capturing devices, Most of us use backup services in mobile or PC. Whenever we want to share or backup our photos in DSLR camera, We have to manually copy […]
Download LG V50s/G8X ThinQ G850 Android 10 Firmware and Installation Method (All Variants)
To compete against other companies in the mobile industry, everyone has to do something different to stand out. LG introduces dual display in LG G8X ThinQ. In some regions, It is called as LG V50s ThinQ. Even if the secondary display is not that much good in resolution, It is ok for secondary tasks. LG […]
Root Samsung Galaxy S20 Exynos SM-G980F Android 10 using TWRP and Magisk
Even if International Exynos processor Samsung mobiles are not welcome by some users, The benefit of having International variants is it is not bootloader locked, and you can root your mobile as usual compare with other variants. Also, you will receive fast OTA updates. Samsung Galaxy S20 International variant G980F comes with an Exynos processor. […]