We are not in the era where 1Mbps download speed is God Speed. We evolve ourselves a lot and in a speedway regarding Internet speed. Most of us have experience using 512Kbps, and now we are using a 1Gbps rate within a few years. FCC is a federation that approves and manages Telecommonucation devices and standards. To sell any mobile,m must go through the FCC approval process. In the last years, FCC has suggested that 25Mbps should be the minimum download speed from the Internet provider. However, the suggestion is not suitable for all countries. They try to propose the fact here. Now, FCC is suggesting again that 100 Mbps should be a minimum Download Speed.
Previous FCC suggestions
The current definition of broadband determines the benchmark we use to evaluate broadband coverage by the FCC, which was adopted in 2015 25 Mbps down, 3 Mbps up. To put it in perspective, that’s not enough to take part in an online conference call using Zoom in 720p. The former Chairman Tom Wheeler put down this norm, and his successor, Ajit Pai, was able to keep the same standard during his time as chairman.
FCC Suggestions on 100 Mbps download and 20Mbps upload speeds for the Internet
The current chairman Jessica Rosenworcel has signaled she’d like to amend the definition to 100/20 within a short time and also 1,000/500 as a nationwide target.
Rosenworsel expressed her wish to keep increasing speeds for standards of Internet connection speeds into the near future. However, she proposed introducing more measures for the “reasonable and rapid” deployment of networks that provide broadband data transfer. Rosenworsel says that shortly, this standard may be raised to 1Gbps when downloading; and 500 Mbps upload speeds.
The reality of the Internet Speeds
The significance of this number is that the FCC is legally bound to ensure that every American can access broadband. The change in what broadband means will mean that conventional ISPs must increase their performance, or the FCC must dip its fingers into the market to ensure broadband coverage. This could likely mean both, as in most matters involving business regulations.
It is unlikely that change will occur anytime soon. The next step, which we’ll expect to see shortly to ask the FCC to issue a Notice of Inquiry, which will provide additional details and background information about the proposal and invite public comments. The commission also needs a vote to approve the plan, which isn’t likely to occur without an additional commissioner on the commission to end a tie of 2-2. The slot has been empty since Pai quit.
Wrap Up
The 100 Mbps download speed may not look possible in most countries. In most places, People use 10Mbps as a minimum, and they mostly rely on mobile data speed. When it comes to the term FCC, it is for the USA and UK regions. Since Google has already increased its Internet speed bar to 2Gbps, 100 Mbps mandatory by FCC is not a high bar. Also, They are not yet forcing the rule. They are proposing to the ISPs. So, In reality, it can take from months to years. What are your thoughts about the FCC’s 100/20 Mbps speed suggestion? Share it below.

Selva Ganesh is the Chief Editor of this Blog. He is a Computer Science Engineer, An experienced Android Developer, Professional Blogger with 8+ years in the field. He completed courses about Google News Initiative. He runs Android Infotech which offers Problem Solving Articles around the globe.
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