Since Work from Home is happening in a high ratio, Maintaining secure data from the user side is a big challenge for the Industries. They can’t keep the same level of security in every employee device. Since employees using their own network connections, there is a chance of security flaws. It may leak sensitive companies’ […]
Archives for July 2021
Root Samsung Galaxy A70 SM-A7050/F/FN/GM/MN/U/W/YN Android 11 using TWRP and Magisk
Compared with other custom skin Android OS versions, Samsung is far better at providing useful features to users. After they released One UI, They keep releasing useful options in every version. They started One UI journey in the Android Pie version, and now it is coming to the Android 11 version as a One UI […]
You can sideload Android APK files in Windows 11 outside of the Amazon App Store
There are plenty of new features available in Windows 11. But all of them attract with one feature. From Windows 11, You can install and use Android Apps without any emulator or alternative solutions. Yes, You can use it like Windows Apps. But in the initial build, there is no rollout direct installation. But after […]